Menomin Meadow Morgan Horse Farm
our pedigree horses
Our own two young stallions are also sires of some of our youngsters. They can be seen pictured on 'Our Stallions' page and 'Our Show horse' page.
This page was last updated on: April 22, 2013
From Great Sires, Come Great Morgans .
Many of the sires of our horses are pictured here.
Let this page be a reference for you.
Issues N' Answers sire of
Menomin Made to Answer
Menomin Major Issue (sold)
Hillfield Nightrider - sire of Menomin Music Maker (sold) Menomin Crescent Moon (sold)
HVK Noble Obsession sire of Menomin Odetta
Arboria Top Gun sire of
Menomin Magnum (sold)
Menomin Prima Donna (sold)
2001 born horses on farm are sired by:
Menomin Yankee Clipper
HVK Noble Obsession
Hillfield Night Rider
Issues N' Answers
2002 offspring on farm are sired by:
Menomin Yankee D Dandy
Stonecroft Byzantine
Trija's Mr Peppertime
Stonecroft Byzantine
2003 offspring on the farm were sired by:
Menomin Yankee D Dandy
Liberation Rythm N' Blues
2004 offspring on the farm were sired by:
Menomin Yankee D Dandy
2005 offspring on the farm were sired by::
Key West
HIgh Y Black Tie
2006 offspring born on farm sired by:
Devonwood Eternity
Menomin Yankee D Dandy
Tug Hill Celebrity
Ultra's Executive Order
Ultra's Special Agent
2007 offspring on the farm by
LPS The Boogie Man
Menomin Yankee D Dandy
Ultra's Special Agent

2008 offspring Born on the farm by
Menomin Yankee D Dandy
2012 offspring on the farm by
Ultras Special Agent
2013 mares bred for 2104 to
Trebles Timepiece
JL's Natural Fact sire of
Menomin Cameo (sold)
Tedwin Touch O Class sire of
Menomin Pepper Power (sold)
Devanwood Eternity
(black son of Forevermore)
sire of Menomin Eclipse (sold)
Menomin Czarina,
Menomin MIra MIrah (sold)
HIgh Y Black Tie
sire of White Tie (sold)
Menomin Mademoiselle
Key West
sire of Menomin Monet
Tug Hill Celebrity
sire of Menomin Precocious Ms
Ultra's Special Agent
sire of Menomin Money Penny
Menomin Moonraker,
Menomin Specialty & Menomin GiGi
Ultra's Executive Order
sire of Menomin Super Nova
LSP The Boogie Man
sire of Menomin HeartBreaker
Pondview Tres Bien
sire of Menomin Marco Polo (sold)
Liberation Rythm N Blues
sire of She Comes in Colors
Stonecroft Byzantine
sire of PLK Freedom Spirit Command
Trebles Timepiece
sire of foals expected in 2014